Scott Belnap specializes in finding great deals in real estate, selling your property for the highest price possible and adding value to distressed properties. Whether you plan to invest in a home to remodel and sell, live outside of the country and are looking for a realtor with in depth knowledge of the area and contacts, or seeking a professional to navigate you through a short sale Scott has the connections and knowledge to make your experience a pleasant one. Of course, Scott can also help you with selling your own home and buying your dream home.
Scott Belnap moved to Arizona in 1969. His family has been a part of Arizona real estate (financing, development, construction and land ownership) for many years with deep roots in the business. His education includes a Bachelor Degree in Economics from Brigham Young University and an MBA from the University of Michigan.
Please contact Scott for a free 30 minutes consultation over the phone or in person.
Scott Belnap
Don’t hesitate to call if you feel that you or someone you know could benefit from his services.